Your 2MoreO is Our 2Day

We provide comprehensive solutions to help your company grow and succeed.

About Us

2moreo by Patryk Dudzicki offers a range of services focused on HR and business support. 2moreo for HR are the comprehensive HR services to companies, helping them manage their workforce effectively. This includes recruitment, talent acquisition, employee training and development, performance management, and HR administration. We ensure that companies have the right people in the right positions, enabling them to achieve their business goals.

On the other hand, 2moreo for Business assists companies in setting up their operations in Poland or optimizing their existing business processes. We offer guidance and support in navigating the legal and regulatory landscape, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and formulating effective business strategies. With our expertise, companies can establish a strong presence in Poland and streamline their operations for maximum efficiency.

assorted notepads
assorted notepads
MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book
person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer
person touching and pointing MacBook Pro
person touching and pointing MacBook Pro

We offer process management services in human resources, payroll, talent acquisition, training, and more.

HR Services

empty black rolling chairs at cubicles
empty black rolling chairs at cubicles

We assist foreign companies in registering and developing branches in Poland.

Business Support

Our office